Saturday, February 3, 2024

Techno Track: "Bolivia - OCD (Original Mix)"

I'm posting this page to share one of my techno tracks, which is called OCD.  I'll have download links below.

Here's a link to the track on SoundCloud.  You can also click on the down-arrow in the top right to download this track directly from SoundCloud:

In the realm of techno, where each track is itself a voyage into the unknown, "OCD" is a mystical odyssey, etched with vibrant hues of eastern oriental landscapes.  It isn't just a song, it's a trip through the sonic landscapes of the mind, where the familiar repetition of techno beats meets the mystical allure of the East.  The track unfolds as an amalgamation of digital and traditional, where the beats blend seamlessly with the melodic hints of eastern instrumentation.  This fusion isn't just music - it's a journey.  Think of it as a meditative loop that lures the listener into a state of relaxed tranquility, akin to those repetitive rituals that provide comfort to those with OCD.  And I know about those rituals.

At the heart of this musical tapestry is a line that, at first glance, seems misplaced in the context of a techno track: "You broke my heart, my dreams are broken too. So why am I still thinking of you?"  You may search for a deeper meaning to this lyric, and wonder what dissatisfied bewilderment is rooted deep in my soul.  Well, the truth is, there's no meaning to it at all.  It's just a sample that I found, and I certainly wasn't thinking about anyone that this could allude to.

Regardless, in the grand scheme of "OCD," this lyric transcends its apparent simplicity, perhaps becoming a metaphor for the relationship between the artist, the music, and the intricate dance of creation and obsession.  It's not referring to a lost love - it's about the frequent frustration of the creative process, the relentless pursuit of perfection that terrorizes producers.  I often advise other producers that, "You've got to draw a line somewhere.  The track will never be perfect.  At some point, you have to acknowledge that it's good enough and then move on to the next track."  Just as a person with OCD can fixate on specific thoughts or actions, a producer can be drawn to a search for perfection that may never be reconciled.  Nor should it be.  We're human, and our tracks shouldn't be mathematically and sonically perfect.  So basically, this lyric recognizes the paradoxical bond between creation and obsession, where the very act that creates can also destroy.  In "OCD," I present to you not just a simple little track, but a reflection on the nature of art, the dark power of obsession, and the never-ending quest for creative acceptance.

I also put up a version of this track on YouTube.  The visuals accompanying the track were done by an AI, although the music is my own of course:

To check out and/or download any of my other tracks, visit:

Thanks for visiting, and thanks for the support!

- Jonathan Clark (DJ Bolivia)