Sunday, March 19, 2023

Techno Track: "Bolivia - Hacks (Original Mix)"

I'm posting this to share a track that I just shared publicly, called "Hacks" (techno):


A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, there was a DJ code-named Bolivia who decided to mix up some beats for his coder friends to listen to.  A whole series of "Music To Code By" DJ mixes resulted.  One day, a fine gentleman by the name of Dan Fernandez (at MicroSoft) shared a link to the mixes to his significant following of fellow coders, and the rest is history.

What is a hack?  A hack, by itself, is neither good nor bad.  It just is.  But when it is freed by its creator to run in the wild, it may in fact cause problems.  Hacks in general have a bad reputation due to this niche.

But there are a lot of hacks that are used for good.  A hack can be a creative way of accomplishing something.  It can be a physical manifestation.  Sure, something can be "crudely hacked together," perhaps with baling wire and duct tape (or Perl).  But a hack can also be a neat trick, a creative way of accomplishing something more efficiently.

I'll leave it to the listener to form their own opinion on what type of hacks I was thinking about when this song was being created.  But in the meantime, hopefully my rambling here triggers the search engines to bring a few more hits to this post.

And if not, I'll try to hack something up later.

You can listen to this on Soundcloud:

Or watch it on YouTube:

Note that while the music is mine, I used an AI generator to come up with the graphics for the YouTube video.

If you'd like to download a copy, visit my Dropbox folder at:

Feel free to share it or remix it.

- Jonathan Clark (DJ Bolivia)