Thursday, November 15, 2012

SHG Radio Show, Episode 139

Welcome to this week's edition of Subterranean Homesick Grooves™, a weekly electronica-based radio show presented originally on CHMA FM 106.9 at Mount Allison University in Atlantic Canada (but expanded to a distribution on other terrestrial radio stations), and also distributed as a global podcast through iTunes and numerous other sites. The show is normally programmed and mixed by Jonathan Clark (as DJ Bolivia), although some weeks feature guest mixes by other Canadian DJ's. The show encompasses many sub-genres within the realm of electronic dance music, but the main focus is definitely on progressive and tribal house, and a small amount of trance & techno. Liner notes for this episode (SHG 139) can be seen below.

Para la información en español, vaya aquí.

Here’s a link so you can listen to the show or download it from SoundCloud:

In addition to being able to download each episode from SoundCloud, you can also visit our DJ Mixes folder on Dropbox (which allows for bulk downloads).  That folder hosts hundreds of episodes and other DJ mixes.  Here's the link:

And of course, you can download Bolivia's individual tracks from this link:

I'm not sure what to say about this week's show except that my track selection was all over the map! But sometimes it's fun trying to put together a somewhat disjointed list of tracks.

Here are Track Listings for episode 139:

01. Juanmy R, "Kubalibre" (Original Mix).
02. DJ Rubio & Djose Elenko, "Spanish Cucumbers" (Original Mix).
03. 1314 Formation, "Pajarillo Chavez" (Original Mix).
04. BeatPorn, "Real Amateur" (Original Mix).
05. Riccardo Sabatini & Alberto Tolo, "Cha Plin" (Original Mix).
06. Gianky SL, "Deep Jungle" (Original Mix).
07. Antonio Jimenez, "Overloap" (Original Mix).
08. Ozgur Uzar, "I Feel" (Original Mix).
09. Cubic State, "Promises" (Original Mix).
10. Mark Reeve, "With Us" (Original Mix).
11. Doc Brown, "Arts & Sciences" (Original Mix).
12. Sergio Pardo, "Black Future" (Original Mix).

Here are links to either personal websites, MySpace pages, or [usually] the SoundCloud pages for a few of the original artists and remixers/producers listed above:

Juanmy R (Spain)
DJ Rubio (Spain)
Djose Elenko (Spain)
Riccardo Sabatini (Isle Of Man)
Alberto Tolo (Italy)
Gianky SL (Canada)
Antonio Jimenez (Spain)
Ozgur Uzar (Turkey)
Cubic State (Spain)
Mark Reeve (Germany)
Doc Brown (United States)
Sergio Pardo (Spain)

If you're a producer who is interested in submitting music for possible inclusion on future episodes of SHG, visit DJ Bolivia's SoundCloud dropbox. Please note that not all submitted mixes will be played on the show. If you have a track that fits the format (progressive and/or tech-house), then your chances of having the track featured will increase.

Subterranean Homesick Grooves is a weekly specialty EDM music show with a basic weekly audience base of about 1500 listeners per week through podcasting and direct downloads, another hundred or so listeners through SoundCloud, and an unknown number of listeners through terrestrial FM broadcast. If you're a radio station programming director, and would like to add Subterranean Homesick Grooves to your regular programming lineup, contact for details. We currently release SHG as an advance download to a number of stations globally on a weekly basis (at no charge), and we welcome inquiries from additional outlets.

We also have a file containing complete track listings from all of DJ Bolivia's radio shows, studio mixes, and live sets. The PDF version can be viewed from within your browser by clicking directly. Both the PDF and the Excel versions can be downloaded by right-clicking and choosing the "save link as" option:

View as PDF file:
Download Excel file:

Follow Jonathan Clark on other sites:
        Main Site:
        Music Blog:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Upgrading to Windows 8

For anyone who is used to older versions of Windows, you’re probably thinking about the eventual pain of having to upgrade to a new O/S.  Well get this:  Windows 8 is actually quite painless.  I detested Vista, and it took me months for my frustration to subside.  I bought computers over a year after I had started using Vista and  intentionally still went with XP instead.  When I switched from Vista to Windows 7, I was a bit confused, but it only took four or five days to feel comfortable.  I started playing with Windows 8 today, and it’s only taken about six hours and I feel right at home.

Geek alert:  Any good DJ should be familiar with the basic process of producing their own music too, even if he/she doesn't release music professionally.  And any good producer of dance music should be very familiar with working with computers.  So this post is specifically for the technically-minded people who read my blog AND who use PC's instead of Mac's.


Back to Windows 8.  For those of you who are used to win7, I’m just going to list a few quick tips to help you acclimatize when you decide to move up.

Where’s the Desktop?
Win8 starts with the unfamiliar Metro interface.  Probably great if you’re using Surface or a touchscreen, but I’m not.  My first suggestion is to go with what’s comfortable until you’re used to win8.  To get to a desktop, either hit Windows-D, or click on the desktop tile in the lower left of the Metro screen.

Where’s My Start Menu?
Start getting used to not having one available in the lower left.  To find things like the Control Panel and other Start Menu items, either move your mouse pointer up to the top right corner of the screen then back out just a tiny touch to the left.  You’ll give five choices.  The Start Menu and Settings are important.  I don’t use Search, Share, or Devices that much, but they’re there.

Where’s the Control Panel?
See the above, then click on settings.  Just like being home, no different than win7.

How do I get into Windows Explorer?
Same as with win7 – the fastest way is the keyboard shortcut, Windows-E.

What about Customizing Windows Explorer?
Faster than win7.  Just go up to the top of the screen and hit View.  One of the first things that I do on any machine is then right there in plain sight, “show file extensions.”  In win7, you had to go through several menus to turn this on.

What about the Run Dialog?
Same as win7, hit Windows-R.  You should already know the names of a lot of windows utilities if you’re a power user.  For example, if you go into this and type services.msc you can start editing your services options.  If you don’t know much about windows machines, don’t play with these.  If you want to learn more, look it up and then go to the Black Viper page to start learning which services you can probably play with.  He’s already got a table for “safe” mode in win8 on laptops.

Where are applications installed?
Same as win7.  64-bit software is installed in the C:/Program Files (x64) directory.  32-bit software is installed in the C:/Program Files (x86) directory.  By the way, if you’ve always wondered why 32-bit software is tagged as x86, it’s because when computers began to become powerful enough to jump from 16-bit addressing to 32-bit in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, the first major CPU was Intel’s 8086 chip.  After that, the next couple major Intel chips also ended in 86.  Major IBM computers in the mid-80’s were labelled as 286, 386, and 486 systems as they got more powerful.  Remember that this is back in the days of DOS, before Windows was even invented.

Want to do a Restart?
This is one of the few annoying things that took me a second to figure out.  With no Start menu, there’s no quick restart option.  Your best bet is to either bring the right-side menus out by mousing to the top right, then go into Settings and then click on the Power icon at the bottom center.  Yes, that’s one more movement than you would have needed in win7.  Or the other option is a ctrl-alt-delete and then into the Power button the same way.

Looking for the Metro screen from the Desktop?
Mouse down to the lower left corner.  Unlike the getting at Start menu items in the upper right, you do NOT move back out of the corner.  Go entirely into the corner and left-click.  If you try to back out, you're likely to start whichever app is on the left side of your task bar.  Incidentally, did you know that if you've got a bunch of apps on the task bar and you want to start any of them without the mouse, you can hot-key the first ten items starting at the left side?  Just go Windows+Digit to open anything, ie. Windows+1 opens the program on the far left, Windows+2 opens the next one to the right, and so on right up to Windows+0.

Looking for Installed Programs in your Start Menu?
I’ve found that I prefer pinning most of my common app shortcuts to the quick-launch (task) bar on the
Desktop.  But of course, I only pin the most common apps there.  I used to access the other few dozens rarely used apps through the Start menu.  Now I just go into the Metro screen (mouse to bottom left of desktop) and then drag over to the far right of your Metro clusters.

How do I Find stuff?
This is simple.  From the Desktop, hit Windows-F.  Lots of search options there.  Play with this.  Hit Windows-F then try hitting a random letter.  You'll be surprised what this option "finds."

What’s new and cool for people who tinker with their computers?
Well, from the desktop, try hitting Windows-X.  Look at your options.  Very handy.  Regular users won’t play with any of this stuff, but power users will.  For example, in win7, if I wanted to get to the Disk Management utility, I’d hit Windows-R and then type in mmc to get the Microsoft Management Console, and then go through the process of adding the Disk Management module as a snap-in.  Now, it’s just sitting right there.  Cool.

Does the Task Manager still work?
It sure does.  Get to it the same way, with a ctrl-alt-delete, but check it out.  Major,  major improvements.  Performance broken down by CPU, disk, all kinds of stuff.  So much better.

What about Copying Files?
You’ll like the new copy dialog.  Extremely detailed.  Say you’re copying something minor like a 300gig handful of directories with about 100,000 files.  The copy dialog will be giving constant speeds updates, time remaining, file progress, and more.

What about Anti-Virus software?
I used AVG for years, and recently switched over to MicroSoft Security Essentials on most of my machines.  Turns out that MSE has been incorporated into Windows Defender in win8, so you don't need to actually load a specific anti-virus program.  McAfee is probably fairly perturbed about that.

Ableton Live Comment:
If you happen to be installing the Suite free trial (which I’m doing right now since I’m on the road with a new laptop and just experimenting), be careful when it gets to the default installation location.  It defaults to the C:/Program Data directory.  That might be a problem if you are looking for it, because this defaults in win8 as a hidden system folder.  I’d recommend that you just change the installation directory to C:/Program Files (x86).  Alternatively, go in and turn on “Show Hidden Folders” in the View options of Windows Explorer.

Ok, that’s enough for now.  Anyone who is comfortable with computers should just start experimenting for an hour or so.  Afterwards, skim though these notes and you’ll find a few “Ah Ha” answers to solve some problems that you hadn’t figured out already on your own.

Final thoughts?

So far, I really like it.  I’ve only played with the legacy side of the O/S in any detail.  In that respect, I like Windows 8 because it isn’t entirely a new operating system.  It’s basically a slightly improved version of Windows 7.  Easy to learn, but addressing a few of the minor drawbacks of win7.  On the Metro side, there may be headaches, but I’ll ease into those over time.

I think Microsoft has the beginnings of a good thing here.  You see, one of the strengths that Apple has always enjoyed has been the integration between hardware groups, ie. between their computers and iPods and iPhones and iPads.  Microsoft is moving in the same directions.  People who are comfortable with Windows 8 on any one type of hardware will be more comfortable using it on a different device, AND all of the devices will be easier to integrate.  I’m not just talking about computers and tablets here ... think mobile.  I’ve been a Blackberry fan for several years.  I feel that Blackberry 10 couldn’t possibly be enough of a game-changer to save their eroding market share.  On the other hand, even though everyone thinks iPhone and Android when discussing mobile, I feel that Windows phones will start seeing a lot more popularity in the next few years thanks to the introduction of Windows 8.  I've been waiting for months for the new Blackberry to come out.  I might just have to start looking at Windows 8 phone options, once some decent hardware comes out and the user base matures.  I'm not suggesting that win8 phones are going to be a runaway hit.  They won't be. But I think that starting in about two years, they'll be some serious competition for Android phones and the iPhone.

Oh, and one more thing not directly related to Windows 8, but VERY useful: Have you ever shut a tab in your browser by mistake and wanted to get back to that web page, but were cursing because it takes a while to find it again? All you have to do is hold down the control key and shift key at the same time and hit the letter T. A new tab opens to that page you just closed. Magic. This works in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and presumably several other browsers too. There are a ton of people I know who don't know this trick, but it's one of the best keyboard short-cuts out there.

I'm Jonathan Clark, known online as DJ Bolivia.  Do you want to learn more about DJ'ing and music production?  If so, visit:

If you happen to enjoy techno tracks, most of my tracks are available as free downloads from this link:

Thanks so much for visit, and for your support!  I really appreciate the fan base that I've been able to build up over the years.

Also, if you want to visit any of my other sites, here are a few links:
    Main Site:

Saturday, November 10, 2012

SHG Radio Show, Episode 138

Welcome to this week's edition of Subterranean Homesick Grooves™, a weekly electronica-based radio show presented originally on CHMA FM 106.9 at Mount Allison University in Atlantic Canada (but expanded to a distribution on other terrestrial radio stations), and also distributed as a global podcast through iTunes and numerous other sites. The show is normally programmed and mixed by Jonathan Clark (as DJ Bolivia), although some weeks feature guest mixes by other Canadian DJ's. The show encompasses many sub-genres within the realm of electronic dance music, but the main focus is definitely on progressive and tribal house, and a small amount of trance & techno. Liner notes for this episode (SHG 138) can be seen below.

Para la información en español, vaya aquí.

Here’s a link so you can listen to the show or download it from SoundCloud:

In addition to being able to download each episode from SoundCloud, you can also visit our DJ Mixes folder on Dropbox (which allows for bulk downloads).  That folder hosts hundreds of episodes and other DJ mixes.  Here's the link:

And of course, you can download Bolivia's individual tracks from this link:

I'm not sure what to say about this week's show except that my track selection was all over the map! But sometimes it's fun trying to put together a somewhat disjointed list of tracks.

Here are Track Listings for episode 138:

01. Audiophobe, "The Law Of Octaves" (Original Mix).
02. Emanuelf, "I Love Deep" (Original Mix).
03. Luca Morris, "Small Planet" (Original Mix).
04. Vlada Asanin, "El Tigre" (Original Mix).
05. Ronan Teague, "Never Stop" (Original Mix).
06. Mintech, "My Guitar In The Melancholy Night" (Mike Ban & Dietmar Wohl Remix).
07. Phunk Investigation, "Jungle Bells" (Original Mix).
08. George F & Dub Mechanics, "Musanze Zombie" (Lemon3 Remix).
09. Aad Mouthaan & Riddimjunkies, "Be Free" (Sound Blast Stereo Remix).
10. Sote Zubiaurre, "San Juan" (Original Mix).
11. Maleza, "Audifonic" (Original Mix).
12. Solee, "Jule" (Tvardovsky Remix).

Here are links to either personal websites, MySpace pages, or [usually] the SoundCloud pages for a few of the original artists and remixers/producers listed above:

Audiophobe (Britain)
Emanuelf (Bulgaria)
Luca Morris (Italy)
Vlada Asanin (Spain)
Ronan Teague (Britain)
Mintech (Italy)
Mike Ban (Austria)
Dietmar Wohl (Germany)
Phunk Investigation (Italy)
George F & Dub Mechanics (United States)
Lemon3 (France)
Aad Mouthaan (Netherlands)
Riddimjunkies (Netherlands)
Sote Zubiaurre (Spain)
Maleza (Spain)
Solee (Germany)
Tvardovsky (Ukraine)

If you're a producer who is interested in submitting music for possible inclusion on future episodes of SHG, visit DJ Bolivia's SoundCloud dropbox. Please note that not all submitted mixes will be played on the show. If you have a track that fits the format (progressive and/or tech-house), then your chances of having the track featured will increase.

Subterranean Homesick Grooves is a weekly specialty EDM music show with a basic weekly audience base of about 1500 listeners per week through podcasting and direct downloads, another hundred or so listeners through SoundCloud, and an unknown number of listeners through terrestrial FM broadcast. If you're a radio station programming director, and would like to add Subterranean Homesick Grooves to your regular programming lineup, contact for details. We currently release SHG as an advance download to a number of stations globally on a weekly basis (at no charge), and we welcome inquiries from additional outlets.

We also have a file containing complete track listings from all of DJ Bolivia's radio shows, studio mixes, and live sets. The PDF version can be viewed from within your browser by clicking directly. Both the PDF and the Excel versions can be downloaded by right-clicking and choosing the "save link as" option:

View as PDF file:
Download Excel file:

Follow Jonathan Clark on other sites:
        Main Site:
        Music Blog:

Friday, November 2, 2012

SHG Radio Show, Episode 137

Welcome to this week's edition of Subterranean Homesick Grooves™, a weekly electronica-based radio show presented originally on CHMA FM 106.9 at Mount Allison University in Atlantic Canada (but expanded to a distribution on other terrestrial radio stations), and also distributed as a global podcast through iTunes and numerous other sites. The show is normally programmed and mixed by Jonathan Clark (as DJ Bolivia), although some weeks feature guest mixes by other Canadian DJ's. The show encompasses many sub-genres within the realm of electronic dance music, but the main focus is definitely on progressive and tribal house, and a small amount of trance & techno. Liner notes for this episode (SHG 137) can be seen below.

Para la información en español, vaya aquí.

Here’s a link so you can listen to the show or download it from SoundCloud:

In addition to being able to download each episode from SoundCloud, you can also visit our DJ Mixes folder on Dropbox (which allows for bulk downloads).  That folder hosts hundreds of episodes and other DJ mixes.  Here's the link:

And of course, you can download Bolivia's individual tracks from this link:

Here are Track Listings for episode 137:

01. Franco Rossini & Alex Aglieri, "King Is Not Alone" (Original Mix).
02. Ninohengst, "Rugen Tea" (Original Mix).
03. Mind24 & Oliver Gross, "Wooooodie" (Original Mix).
04. Sidney Charles, "Let It Go" (Tony Dee Remix).
05. Praveen & reDJesh, "Casaba" (Original Mix).
06. DJ Mouse, "Space Consciousness" (Original Mix).
07. Chris Rockz, "Mundilo" (Original Mix).
08. Sadowick, "Sagan" (Original Mix).
09. Marco Diablo, "Dachschaden" (Original Mix).
10. aGa, "Broken Silence" (Original Mix).
11. DJ Wady & Danny Leblack, "Back To Disco" (Original Mix).

Here are links to either personal websites, MySpace pages, or [usually] the SoundCloud pages for a few of the original artists and remixers/producers listed above:

Ninohengst (Germany)
Mind24 (Germany)
Oliver Gross (Germany)
Sidney Charles (Germany)
Tony Dee (Italy)
reDJesh (Netherlands)
Praveen (Netherlands)
Chris Rockz (Austria)
Sadowick (Canada)
Marco Diablo (Germany)
aGa (Tunisia)
DJ Wady (United States)
Danny Leblack (Spain)

If you're a producer who is interested in submitting music for possible inclusion on future episodes of SHG, visit DJ Bolivia's SoundCloud dropbox. Please note that not all submitted mixes will be played on the show. If you have a track that fits the format (progressive and/or tech-house), then your chances of having the track featured will increase.

Subterranean Homesick Grooves is a weekly specialty EDM music show with a basic weekly audience base of about 1500 listeners per week through podcasting and direct downloads, another hundred or so listeners through SoundCloud, and an unknown number of listeners through terrestrial FM broadcast. If you're a radio station programming director, and would like to add Subterranean Homesick Grooves to your regular programming lineup, contact for details. We currently release SHG as an advance download to a number of stations globally on a weekly basis (at no charge), and we welcome inquiries from additional outlets.

We also have a file containing complete track listings from all of DJ Bolivia's radio shows, studio mixes, and live sets. The PDF version can be viewed from within your browser by clicking directly. Both the PDF and the Excel versions can be downloaded by right-clicking and choosing the "save link as" option:

View as PDF file:
Download Excel file:

Follow Jonathan Clark on other sites:
        Main Site:
        Music Blog: